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Clinical approaches to oestrogen dosing

Speaker: Dr Sarah Glynne – 27 March 2025 7-8pm
1 hour CPD

Transdermal oestrogen formulations – patches, gels and sprays – are very safe and usually considered to be the optimal hormone replacement therapy (HRT) formulation. However, there is substantial variation in how hormones are absorbed across the skin, and there is no ‘one-size-fits-all dose’ that relieves menopausal symptoms in all women.

Join Dr Sarah Glynne for an in-depth discussion about her recent research exploring the range and variation in serum oestradiol levels in women using HRT, and how to tailor the oestradiol dose to ensure that all women can achieve therapeutic blood levels and reap the health benefits.

About Dr Sarah Glynne

Dr Sarah Glynne is a GP Menopause Specialist. She consults at The Portland Hospital in London, and she leads the research team at Newson Health. She is trained to consult in all aspects of evidence-based menopause care, and is especially interested in improving menopause care for women with a history of breast cancer.

Dr Glynne graduated from Imperial College School of Medicine with Honours in 1999. She qualified as a member of the Royal College of Physicians in 2002, and the Royal College of General Practitioners in 2008. In 2016 she completed a Master of Science degree in allergy and immunology at Imperial College, London. Recent and upcoming publications focus on clinical outcomes in women treated with HRT including testosterone, the impact of HRT on mental health in perimenopausal and early postmenopausal women, and the role of HRT after breast cancer diagnosis.

A list of Dr Glynne’s recent publications and resources for patients can be found here.

Session price: £45.00

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Upcoming webinars

Join us on the last Thursday of each month from 7-8 PM UK time (GMT/BST)




27 March

Dr Sarah Glynne

Clinical approaches to oestrogen dosing

24 April

Dr Louise Newson

Health considerations: The impact of not prescribing HRT

29 May

Speaker TBC

Progesterone: The forgotten hormone

26 June

Speaker TBC

Surprising menopause symptoms

31 July

Speaker TBC

Optimising hormones and deprescribing: Strategies to reduce polypharmacy

25 September

Speaker TBC

The intersection of ADHD and menopause: Effective strategies for management